• Educates clients on how they can improve the energy efficiency, health and safety of their home
  • Conducts an in-depth energy assessment of your home including health and safety concerns
  • Performs an evaluation, clean and tune-up of your HVAC system
  • Insulates attics, floors and walls where needed
  • Seals gaps and holes in your home and ductwork to make sure your heat and A/C  stay inside
  • Repairs or replaces heating systems as funding allows
  • Installs smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to help keep you safe
  • Installs and recommends energy saving measures to help lower your electric bill


  • Rehabilitate homes or make general home improvements
  • Paint, install siding, or replace roofs
  • Replace windows or doors
  • Install underpinning or skirting
  • Build additions, porches or decks
  • Make electrical or plumbing upgrades
  • Lead or asbestos abatement
  • Mold remediation

The Weatherization Program is not a remodeling or rehabilitation program.  The program operates with limited funding that must specifically be used to improve energy efficiency of your home.

How do I apply?

  • Begin by completing an application
  • Provide Income verification for each member of the household
  • Proof of social security number
  • Provide home ownership verification or landlord name, address & phone number
  • Include electric bill history for the past 12 months
    • Your electric company can supply you with this information
    • Must include kilowatt usage, date of meter reading and number of days in billing cycle
  • Fuel bill history for the past 12 months (if you have gas or fuel oil heat)
    • Your fuel or gas company can provide this information

Client Application


Eligibility for weatherization services is a two-step approval process.  First, your application is reviewed to make sure you qualify based on income eligibility, ownership or landlord permission, and appropriate documentation.  Second, your home must qualify to determine if it can be weatherized.  Although you may qualify based on income requirements, your home may not.  Some examples why a home would not qualify are:

  • House has been previously weatherized.
  • House has adequate insulation levels and weatherization measures would result in minimal energy savings.
  • Structurally unsound dwelling (i.e., roof, sill, foundation, etc.) in which the cost of repairs is beyond the scope of the weatherization program.
  • Substantial standing water around or under home.
  • Evidence of substantial, persistent infestation of rodents or insects.
  • The presence of raw sewage around or in any part of the dwelling.
  • Widespread electrical or plumbing hazards.
  • Inadequate housekeeping or excessive debris that would impede or limit weatherization services.

What happens after I am approved?


One of our Building Performance Institute (BPI) certified energy auditors will contact you to schedule an in-home energy assessment.  The energy auditor gathers and records a great deal of information on your home.   They use specialized equipment such as a blower door that measures the amount of air that leaks in and out of your home and infrared cameras that can “see” through walls to assess insulation levels.   They also use combustion analyzers and carbon monoxide detectors to assess the safe and efficient operation of gas heating systems and appliances.  All of this information is used to develop an energy improvement work scope for your home.

A licensed HVAC technician will evaluate and clean your heating system.  If needed, he will make recommendations for repair or replacement based on his assessment.  As funding allows, your system may be repaired or replaced.

Next, our own trained work crews install the materials and perform the energy saving measures outlined in the work scope.  This routinely takes two to three days depending on the amount of work required.  Finally, we make a quality control inspection of the work that was done to make certain everything was installed per Weatherization Standards.

Most of our clients start to notice a difference in their homes almost immediately.  They feel more comfortable with regards to heating and cooling.  They notice those “cold” spots in their home are gone.  They also notice their heating & air conditioning is not running as much as it used to, yet they feel warmer in winter and cooler summer.  Then they start to see the difference in their electric bill or gas bill.  Many of our clients have seen a $100 per month drop in their electric bills.  Everyone may not experience such a dramatic decrease, but your home will be more energy efficient, healthy and comfortable.


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