

  • CCA has successfully managed the local FG Program since 1985, starting in Carteret County and expanding to Craven, Jones, and Pamlico Counties.
  • Fifty-five FG's have consistently served over 55,000 hours and were successful in assisting approximately 230 children to meet their respective personal goals through one-on-one intervention.
  • Jones County FG's were recognized in eduChalkBoard, an educational publication, in an article - When an OG has your back!  The article expanded upon how the uniqueness of these women and the positive aspects of their life experiences, the pride exhibited, the courage and wisdom displayed, all had a positive impact on children served.


  • A continuous effort to obtain financial support from the counties served to allow CCA to expand services benefiting both seniors and children.
  • To continue to meet the local 10% match of federal funds received; emphasize the importance of volunteer stations providing support to the volunteers serving at their respective sites. 
  • Continuing to provide high-quality in-service training opportunities for volunteers through the participation of volunteer sites providing both age-appropriate and educational instruction. 


  • To provide a semi-annual report to county government officials to better inform them of the services provided in their respective counties.
  • Continue to develop and/or create ways in which each county can contribute to the required 10% match of federal funds awarded for the program.
  • Continue to seek opportunities to be more visible in the counties in which we serve.
  • To develop at least one non-federal VSY!!

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A common thread through all of our services, be they Family Services, Senior Services, or Housing Services, is that we help change lives by providing needed resources and support. Coastal Community Action, Inc. provides needed services to thousands of residents in our region annually.